Tuesday 1 January 2019

Fabulous Fifi, A Worthy Woman Indeed.

When I first met Fifi Irvana five years ago, I knew instantly that we would be very good friends. Fifi has a very warm smile, a good sense of humour and a magnetic charisma.
When you first meet her, she can come across as slightly shy but underneath her reserved demeanor is a bubbly, energetic and hospitable personality. She is very sassy in a good kind of way, funny and extremely dedicated to her family. Fifi is also the hostess with the "mostest".  Lunch and dinner invitations at her home is never declined.
During my time with her, we talked about her measure of happiness and many more interesting topics. She is deep, she is wise and she is very candid. Enjoy.

Fifi Where did you get this bag from? 

From One of my trips, it must have been from France. it is one of my favourites because it is just so easy to throw it on whenever I need to run quick errands.

What's in it and what is the most important?

Inside bag: Wallet, earphones,
 lipsticks, hand sanitizer,
tissue, wipes,sunglasses, jewelry,
I.D Card, mints
Everything. My wallet, Phone, I.D cards. Wallet holds my cash which I need, my phone for any emergencies and I.D card which I need for identification. I call it the survival kit.

Whats the Best advice your mother ever gave you?

She told me, always leave a trail of kindness wherever you go. To treat people the way I want to be treated, she always taught me to be fair to people and to keep my faith and religion because it will guide me every time and in all situations.

What makes you happy?

My family always does.  Rafi, my older son is so much older and leaving for school, I am so happy we both have our younger daughter who is five years old to keep me occupied and very happy, she is such a sweet girl.

On being an excellent cook and phenomenal hostess

You know I dont think so much about me being that great, I just cook from my heart, I am not usually very confident about the foods I cook. I usually stick to the foods my family loves to eat, my husband loves exotic and spicy foods so I have just gotten used to cooking such meals. I love making chicken with sweet soy sauce, in Indonesia it is called chicken Samoure and everyone seems to like it so much, I guess that is why you think I'm really good. Cooking from the heart is always a good recipe too, I also love to make people feel extremely comfortable when they come to my home. 

What kind of people will you not invite to dinner?

You know I love everyone  but I truly do not like people who think they are better than anyone else. Everyone is invited as long as they can treat others kindly.

If you could invite one person, anyone to dinner, who would it be and why?

Can't really think of anyone honestly.

As an Expat wife, you have a truly comfortable life, what is it like when you go back home to friends who don't live the same almost magical life that most Expats live?

I always stay true to myself, I am still the same person. I don't think I am better than anyone else. I truly do not know what the measurement of happiness is for people, I believe true friendship has nothing to do with wealth or exposure but everything to do with genuineness and love. When ever I go home, My friends still reach out to me and when I am away I still stay connected through  social media in a responsible manner. Good friends will always stay despite your success or failures, those are the friends that I have. 

Top tips for happiness

Be grateful always.
Forgive and let go at all times.
Be honest to yourself and others,

Fashion Trivia

Heels or Flats? Flats, Flats, Flats!
Favourite Lipstick Colour: Peach
Skirts or Jeans; Jeans definitely

Work out Ritual

I plan to go to the gym as often as possible but my priority is being healthy.

Favourite Country in the World.

Netherlands. You know Indonesia was colonized by The Netherlands, I dont think that is why it is my favourite country, but it is just a beautiful, well organised country.

New year Resolution

I haven't really made any but every year it is to continue being a better version of myself, being richer or prettier is not important, I just want to keep being a better person.

How do you help your husband relax whenever he comes home?

I just give him the space to relax by himself after his meals, whatever he wants to do is fine with me. Once he is well rested, then I can ask him for help with things I need to do.  I don't stress him much, he is a very good man.

Last word

Well, thanks for just being so inspirational. All the best to you.

And all the best to you too Fifi, I hope you like what was in your bag hanging by your door knob this morning.
You are a beautiful spice of life, I know you will enjoy cooking with the spice in your bag. x

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