Monday 31 December 2018

Anika Funke, Lufthansa's Golden Girl show us her Bag and Heart.

 When I first meet Anika, her last name stands out as it is  a Nigerian name. When, I ask her about her it, She answers me with a  smiley question. "Are you Nigerian?" I nod.
It is obvious she has been asked that a lot. Anika explains to me that Funke is actually a German name which just happens to also share a homophone with Nigerian one.
 In my language Yoruba, Funke means a gift to be cherished, she didn't know this and this realization made her smile to the high heavens.
We enjoy a very delightful conversation while we fly from Frankfurt to Kuwait. She truly is a gift to be cherished as she not only happens to be the first cover for WIMB but also a gift to me, Find out how  and why below. Enjoy.

The Most Important Items in Her Bag

Inside bag; Lipsticks, Passports, Mobile Phone, Purse, Keys, Make up.
Her Passport, Keys and Mobile phone, without her passport she is stuck while travelling, without her keys, she can't get inside her house and what girl doesn't love her mobile phone?

How Long she has been a cabin crew member

About 9 years now, it is also the most interesting job she has ever had.

Favourite Country in the World

Cape Town in South Africa. I used to live there with my husband, it's kind of like home, we both love it and have tons of friends there.

Nicest thing anyone has ever said to her while flying.

Quite a number of nice experiences, for example talking to you now is such a lovely thing for me. I'm always happy when passengers stop to chat with me and share some of their stories with me, it makes me really happy. Every body is coming from somewhere, going somewhere and it such a lovely feeling to meet people.

Rudest thing any passenger has ever done

Well, you know I never remember any negative, life is too short to keep records of negativity, also sometimes, you never know whats going on in someones life generally, so I just smile and let my passengers know I'm here to make them comfortable and happy.

Anika and Barbara

What's the greatest lesson life has taught you?

That life is too short to keep grudges, that somewhere someone has it worse than you do, so to always be thankful and positive and every good will come to you.
I've had the opportunity to travel to many countries and met so many people who do not have much and I'll never forget that I am privileged to have such a beautiful life.

Your skin is so soft, what's your beauty secret?

You know, flying really does wonders for your skin, there must be something about flying in the air especially on our Lufthansa plane. I also wash my face daily and that is it.

What's the scariest thing about your job?

Honestly nothing serious, our pilots are one of the best in the world, but I truly don't like when passengers leave the toilets dirty. We truly all fear going into really toilets that have been messed up by others, we are also just like everyone else. I don't suppose anyone likes it at all.

Fashion Questions
Heels or Flat? Heels
Long or Short hair? Long hair
Red or Pink lipstick: Always Red. It suits every one.

Parting Words?

I wish you the best of luck with everything and thanks for featuring me, it's such an honour, I hope I have made you feel comfortable on this flight, fly with us again and hopefully see you again soon.

Thank you Anika, may our paths cross again soon. Thanks for giving me a peek into your life and sharing you bag and hearts content with me. I will definitely fly Lufthansa again, You truly are a gift.